pizza box dimensions

By: Harry Lee

Pizzas are a hot favourite of kids and adults alike. First invented in Naples, Italy, this Italian cuisine did not get much popularity until a few Italian immigrants moved to the USA in the 1940s. 

The rest is history. Now, people like to enjoy pizza slices over a cup of evening tea or as a meal. These affordable, tasty meals need no introduction no matter where you go in the world. 

You can order anything you like and in any flavour, from different sizes to just a single slice. Therefore, you need different sizes of pizza boxes if you are a pizza vendor, running a pizza restaurant, or even a family-owned business. 

However, you must have sufficient knowledge of pizza box dimensions to pick the right one for your business needs. Let’s get started!

Why Pizza Box Dimensions Are Important?

Finding the right box dimensions is more than finding the box for your pizza. You have to check various things like:

  • Proper Fit, 
  • Heat Maintenance Ability Of The Material,
  • A Box That Can Prevent Squishing
  • Optimizing Storage
  • Better Delivery Efficiency

These things are crucial in growing your business, retaining existing customers, and attracting more interest. 

These days, customers critically evaluate everything from the taste of your pizza to how a business invests in its packaging.

Therefore, they will lose interest in your pizzas if they come in a too-tight box that squishes the content inside or a too-large box where the pizza collides with the box walls. 

Things To Consider For Pizza Box Dimensions

When choosing the right pizza box dimensions cm of your pizza box, you need to look into the following aspects:

  1. Your box must keep your pizza fresh until delivery
  2. It must secure the pizza properly inside the box
  3. It must give a pleasant unboxing experience to your customers 

Never Buy An Oversize Box

You must never go for an oversized pizza box at any cost. The reason is it will fail to your pizza at one place. As a result, the topping and cheese might stick to the box, or the pizza might lose shape. Customers will never like receiving such pizza. Hence, you will start losing future orders from them, which can significantly impact your sales.

No Small Boxes

A small box is equally damaging to your business reputation as getting a larger box. Your pizza or slice won’t fit in those boxes. Moreover, if you try to adjust it forcibly, it will change its structure to change the shape. The end result will be same-loosing customers.

We know that you do not want that. So, to increase your sales, be wise when choosing the correct box dimensions for your pizza. These standard pizza box dimensions will help.

Standard Pizza Boxes Sizes & Dimensions

pizza box dimensions cm

You might already know that custom pizza boxes are available in different pizza box dimensions in inches and sizes. Therefore, you will get unique dimensions for every size. However, no need to get confused. Here, we have listed down a few regular box sizes and their dimension. 

You should be aware of these four primary sizes of standard pizza boxes.

Small Pizza Box

These boxes are smaller in size. The standard size is used for 7, 9, and 10-inch pizzas. The small pizza boxes dimensions include the height, width, and depth of each size box.

Middle-Sized Box

These boxes are normally used for 12, 14, and 16-inch pizzas. These pizza boxes satisfy a single serving to a small group of people, mostly 2-3.

Large Pizza Box

If you’re selling enormous pizzas, the huge box is the way to go. This box usually measures around 18 x 18 x 2 inches. Thanks to its spacious dimensions, your pizzas will have plenty of space to spread out in the box.

Family Size Pizza

Party pizzas can add life to any gathering. However, you might need extra-large boxes to deliver party or family-size pizzas securely. This box, measuring 20 x 20 x 2 inches, can accommodate those enormous pizzas.

How To Choose The Right Pizza Box Dimensions?

By now, you must learn how important is to choose the right pizza box dimensions. However, you might be concerned about how to choose the right dimension of your pizza box. Well, the size of your box is directly propotional to average pizza box dimensions. However, it must be a little bigger than your pizza so you can place it properly without ruining its shape or taste. This chart will come in handy for you:

Pizza Size (Inches)Box Length (Inches)Box Width (Inches)Box Height (Inches)
7 inch pizza box dimensions7.57.51.75
9 inch pizza box dimensions9.59.51.75
10 inch pizza box dimensions10.510.51.75
12 inch pizza box dimensions12.512.52.00
14 inch pizza box dimensions14.514.52.00
18 inch pizza box dimensions18.518.52.50

 What to Look for When Choosing the Appropriate Pizza Box Size?

This pizza box matching game has to come clean now. Obviously, picking the correct box size is a lot like picking out the ideal pizza attire. Therefore, your pizza box must be the perfect size to showcase your delectable pizza in style and protection. 

standard pizza box dimensions

Here is how you can decide what size pizza box is best.

Box for Single-Serving

Always go with the small box size when you’re ordering pizzas for one. Don’t stress about unforeseen situations. It will give your pizzas a safe haven until hungry consumers are ready to dig in.

Box for 2 or More People

It comes in round or slice-shaped pizza packaging. This box is perfect for smaller pizzas or where two people can share. It should not be too big or too small. With this slice-shaped packaging, your clients will receive a generous slice without any pizza excess.

Large Gathering 

These boxes are best for get-togethers. For those extra special occasions, the huge box size is the way to go when presenting your mouth-watering pizzas. This box is the epitome of form-fitting functionality. Also, it offers plenty of room without sacrificing shape. Finally, your pizzas will remain in perfect condition.

Box That Secures Your Topping

We must also discuss the toppings while using standard pizza box dimensions. Do your pizzas have an abundance of tasty toppings? Alternatively, do you sell mouth-watering deep-dish pizzas or ones with towering toppings?

Then you might consider getting a size larger. A medium or big pizza box will suffice. Remember to leave enough room for the toppings without causing an avalanche.

Take Away!

I hope this blog clears your doubts about the difference between the size and dimensions of your pizza boxes. You need to take care of a lot of factors when you need different types of pizza boxes for your business. Market research and online information can help you save time and offer the best customer service for excellent business growth.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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