
By: Harry Lee

2021 has been full of downfalls, especially for the business world. Despite all these worldwide situations, we as humans have managed to escape from them. Nonetheless, the only thing that has been constant throughout this pandemic was the ever-changing trends. This brings us to share our concerns about the upcoming custom packaging trends of the world.

Our team of intuitive designers at Packaging Bee has predicted the best packaging trends to assure guaranteed engagement. 

Miniature Packaging

A small and miniature packaging always delights passers. Imagine your tiny cupcakes packed in an evenly small packaging that describes a little savoury muffin inside the box. Such engaging packaging would surely tempt any passing shopper, even if they don’t have a craving for proportional it.

custom packaging boxes

Your packaging should be pleasing enough to draw people from distant. The Journal of Marketing and Consumer Research issued a paper regarding the impact of product packaging on consumers. In the research, the author shared that “Beautiful background, colour, shape, and small (smart) packaging inspire the consumer toward the product.” 

So, if your product can fit in a small box, it is worth giving a shot to succeed in the upcoming year and beat your competitors at product presentation. 

Symmetrical Packaging

Symmetry and simplicity go hand in hand. You cannot attain one without the other. However, our designers know how to work their way through mix and max to create a design that inspires others. Nonetheless, designing a custom packaging uk that is moth symmetrical and simple at the same time is a trick that one can only learn by experience. 

Packaging Boxes

However, making a packaging that seems symmetrical doesn’t mean that you have to draw with a ruler—being symmetrical means a correspondence between the size of your box, its design, and colour blends. Above all, all of these things should give an exact idea to your customer about the product inside.

So far so, even iconic brands like Apple still print an image of their product on the top of all sleeve boxes. Despite the size and shape of a phone box, the idea is a must-have. So, get your custom packaging boxes with logo all informative as your can through perfect mix and match. 

Story-Driven Images

Imperative, in 2022, people are going to have less time. Such a balanced shortage would lead them to rush their choices. Similarly, your packaging should be engaging enough to save time and deliver maximum information in a minimum span of time. 

Getting your buyer’s attention should be the foremost priority of custom printed packaging. To keep them engage and have their time spend more on your packaging, try telling them a story through your box.  

bottle packaging

By conveying a story through a box, you can feel more accessible and relatable, instantly building brand loyalty and enhancing your customer’s experience. While you can use more than just the packaging to convey your story, the packaging is usually the first thing people see.

In the words of Late Steeve Jobs “Packaging can be a theatre, it can tell a story”. So, use it creatively and design your package with a bit of back story to tell. 

Video Game Packaging

Just like every other industry, the 2020 pandemic had its own impacts on the gaming industry as well. And luckily, the gaming world has reacted well to such a black swan event and turned it into an all time gross year.

games packaging

Statista showed an overall increase of 63% in March 2021, compared to April. Not surprisingly, such a spurt of gamers was imperative as people were advised to stay home. However, such thrust has lead retailers to use games as their merchandise and make their products sell more on the basis of popular games. 

At first, when you hear the word gaming packaging, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? If you think it’s packaging and a game, then you’re wrong. 

Fine Art

A lot of people consider art and design to be their foremost deciding factors while making a purchase. Therefore, adding a bit of creativity into your custom printed packaging UK will only broaden up your customer base. 

bottle boxes

However, the art drawings on your packaging don’t have to compete with Picasso. Just a doodle image can give the product the appeal you are looking for. 


The authenticity in your packaging shows how well build your brand is. If you are offering your expensive computer video cards in some lousy and fragile packaging, you buyers will have the same perception about your product. 

To show your buyers that your product is of the best quality they could find in the market, you need to show them through your custom-made packaging boxes. One way to do so is by designing your packaging to speak for itself and show that it holds an expensive product underneath that lid. 

Therefore, custom box packaging Bee offers a wide range of styles and designs that can intrigue any passing use to itself with its right combination of services. 

Patterns and Shape

The proportions of your box tell a lot about the product inside. For instance, if your product box is sleek and long, the most probable perception would be a watch or a tie in it. Similarly, if it’s a proper square box, it could hold a mug or jar. 

All in all, select a shape that defines your product just with the help of proportions. Likewise, its patterns also work in the same way. If the printing or font on your is curvy, the customer would expect a rounded shape product or something non-square. 

Closing Lines

Competing with every changing trend is the key to stay put in the race. However, the nature of your product depends a lot on which trend your should follow. For instance, if you are selling chocolates, you can use valentines day as your theme for the whole month of February. 

Follow these packaging trends for your 2022 packaging boxes, and your product will surely get the recognition that it deserves.