Custom White Rigid Boxes

By: chrisjordan

Are you a fitness enthusiast? Do you hit the gym 3-5 times a week? If yes, then this blog is for you. It is essential that you take care of your diet, along with working out and being physically fit. By healthy diet, I do not want you to starve and eat only salad having green leafy vegetables, but rather I want you to have all the nutrients in a balanced amount. Yes! You should have a balanced proportion of fats, carbohydrates and especially protein. 

When you do weight training your muscle tear and they require a good proportion of protein to repair them. There are many sources you can use to get that required amount of protein but the quickest and easy form to have high protein content is via consuming protein shakes.                               

Why Do You Need to Have Whey Protein After Gym? 

You must have heard about protein shakes and their countless benefits multiple times, right? Well! You have heard it all for right because protein powder or whey powder is actually very beneficial for you. This protein is readily absorbed by your body and start healing your muscles right after consumption. Not only muscle repairmen whey protein has numerous other benefits. For instance, it helps in lowering blood pressure, helps in treating type 2 diabetes, reduces body fat, and much more. 

How Is Whey Protein Formulated?

Have you ever wondered how this protein powder is manufactured in industries? If yes, then you must have watched those largest dairy industries insights that are transmitted on National Geographic. In case you haven’t, then let me tell you this interesting back-story of your protein powder once for all. Milk contains two forms of proteins, including casein and whey. Industries use acidic content such as vinegar and lemon, which helps to lower the pH of the milk and casein cuddles up at the top leaving whey beneath. In this whey, both the proteins get separate from each other. After it, desiccators dry out the liquid whey into powder form. The manufacturers then pack the final powder in rigid boxes of cardboards and canisters. This is how your potent protein source gets ready in the market. 

Why Cardboard Canisters Offer Best Packaging Solution for Whey Powder? 

Custom Rigid Gift Boxes
Custom Rigid Gift Boxes

 Whey industries have replaced the glass and plastic protein containers with coated cardboard canisters due to the economical price of cardboard. Moreover, it is ideal for keeping all the contents inside the  rigid boxes fresh. Cardboard also helps to reduce the packaging waste and can be recycled easily. Other than whey powder, industries also use this type of packaging for packing dry milk and powdered baby formula.

How to Find Right Protein Powder for You? 

I know you must have tried out protein powder from various companies to find that right one for yourself. It is not an easy job of finding the right protein powder and hence can be tricky. Recently many controversies came forward because supplement manufacturers have been sued for allegedly spiking the protein powders with cheap fillers. Moreover, many companies also put a “synthetic stimulant” in its protein powder but claim that the stimulant is natural plant-based material and does not have any side effects. Therefore, to avoid such adulteration in your protein powder, make sure to buy it from trusted brands that are NSF certified.  

What Does NSF Sport Certification Mean? 

If you are choosing a company that does not have NSF certification, then you are taking a risk on your health. It is time for you to worry about what’s in your protein powder. NSF certified protein means that a third party (NSF International) ensures that the product contains only those ingredients that are present on the label and are safe. Moreover, it is insurance that the product doesn’t contain any contaminants, such as fillers, stimulants, heavy metals, pesticides, potentially pathogenic microbes and toxins.

Moreover, the NSF Sport certification also makes sure that a product is free from any athlete banned substances. In addition, it ensures that the product does not contain any of the 240 chemicals that the World Anti-Doping Association declares dangerous. 

If you’re purchasing a protein supplement or planning to do so, it means that you’re looking to get healthier or stronger overall. Therefore, make sure to read the ingredient list carefully. Be sure that you are consuming the right product containing natural and healthy ingredients to help you achieve your fitness goals as efficiently and safely as possible. 

Tips for Ensuring Your Supplement Is NSF Certified

If you are planning to purchase a protein powder or protein supplement for the first time, keep these precautionary tips in your mind to check if it is NSF certified:

  1. Scrutinize the packaging – Check the NSF logo on the rigid boxes having protein powders.
  2. Do some research – You may check out the list of NSF certified dietary supplements at NSF International’s website.

How the NSF Certifies Products? 

A question might strike your mind when looking for NSF certified products, and that is what measures does NSF take while certifying a product? Let me give you a brief detail on it.

  1. Label review and formulation
  2. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) inspection
  3. Toxicology review
  4. Laboratory analysis for undeclared ingredients, label contents, and contaminants

Why Choosing Eco-Friendly Packaging Is Important?

Custom Rigid Packaging Boxes
Custom Rigid Packaging Boxes

Choosing eco-friendly packaging is the need of the hour. This little change in the packaging allows us to reduce our landfill mass, energy consumption, and total package weight. Moreover, it enables recycling and reuse of the packaging. This will help to save the environment and also protect your health. Whey protein packed in cardboard canisters is easy to store, protect the content and easy to ship. 

Therefore, make sure to go for natural protein ingredients and protein powders that have green packaging and are free of dangerous and non-essential materials. 


In conclusion, if you want to keep yourself fit and healthy, make sure to work out while having all the necessary supplements to help restore the muscle strength.